NIOS Class 12th Geography Solve English Medium Assignment (TMA) 2021

Geography (316)

 Tutor Marked Assignmen

Max.Marks: 20

1. Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.
(a) “The earth’s crust is unstable”. Explain its two effects on the earth’s surface.
Ans- The earth crust is unstable due to which natural disasters comes.

The earth
crust is a thin as well as the hard shell which actually floats on the mantle .
This crust of earth included the many pieces which we known as the tactonic
plates they are the moving plates these plate can slide past each other. As the
result of there movement of plates the huge energy can be released result in
the earthquakes which can be really disastrous.


The occurrence of earthquake may result in the generation powerful waves whenever the earthquake comes in the ocean. This powerful waves are known as tsunamis. Earthquakes have the ability to unleashes the underwater landslides result in tsunami.

2. Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.

(a) In which way, the thought of pratt is different from airy?

Ans- Airy, the geologist said that the density is uniform with varying thickness whereas Pratt deduced that there is an inverse relationship between height and density and density varies with varying thickness.

Airy deduced that the roots below mountain are deeper the roots below the plain whereas according to the Pratt there is no formation of roots but only compensation level. 

3. Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.

(a) The amount of rainfall goes on increasing when we move from Amritsar to Kolkata, write any two reasons.

Ans- The amount of rainfall goes on decreasing when we move from Kolkata to Amritsar because:- 

1) When we move from Kolkata to Amritsar, the distance between our location and ocean start increasing and only some tides are able to go in north for rain.

2) There is not any sea or ocean in north India for tides.

4. Answer any one of the following questions in about 100-150 words.

(a) Explain the effects of using fossil fuels on our environment.

Ans- Fossil fuels are harmful for the environment for a few reasons.


Fossil fuels are harmful for the environment for a few reasons.

The main reason why fossil fuels cause so much damage is due to the amount of carbon dioxide or CO2 emitted when fossil fuels are burned. This burning and release of CO2 is a huge contributor to the greenhouse Effect and climate change. More CO2 in our atmosphere causes less sunlight to escape back into space, causing the planet to warm.

When fossil fuels are burned, CO2 isn’t the only gas released. Other harmful gases such as nitrogen and sulfur oxides. Burning fossil fuels causes air pollution and smog.

Acid rain is also caused by the burning of fossil fuels. While technology has improved considerably in the US, we used to see high instances of acid rain around industrial areas where lots of fossil fuels were being burned. This is still the case in areas where air quality is not as regulated.

Another reason why fossil fuels are bad for the environment has to do with the ways they are extracted or removed from the earth. Drilling and mining for coal, natural gas, and oil all involve disrupting the natural landscape to access these materials. Drilling can disrupt the water table and if spills or accidents occur, we can have incidents like the Deep water Horizon Spill.

5. Answer any one of the following questions in about 100-150 words.

(a) “Terrestrial ecosystem are the major source of food and raw materials for human beings.” 

Support this statement by giving four arguments.

Ans- A community of organisms and their environment that occurs on the land masses of continents and islands. Terrestrial ecosystems are distinguished from aquatic ecosystems by the lower availability of water and the consequent importance of water as a limiting factor. Terrestrial ecosystems are characterized by greater temperature fluctuations on both a diurnal and seasonal basis than occur in aquatic ecosystems in similar climates. The availability of light is greater in terrestrial ecosystems than in aquatic ecosystems because the atmosphere is more transparent in land than in water. Gases are more available in terrestrial ecosystems than in aquatic ecosystems. Those gases include carbon dioxide that serves as a substrate for photosynthesis, oxygen that serves as a substrate in aerobic respiration, and nitrogen that serves as a substrate for nitrogen fixation. Terrestrial environments are segmented into a subterranean portion from which most water and ions are obtained, and an atmospheric portion from which gases are obtained and where the physical energy of light is transformed into the organic energy of carbon carbon bonds through the process of photosynthesis.

6. Prepare any one project of the given below.

(b) Conduct a survey of nearby 10 familes to understand occupational and economic conditions of women as per the given format. Arrange the informations properly, analyse and prepare a report in 100 to 150 words.


Family 1- The first family said that they have a nuclear family mother father and a child, the mother was home maker.

Family 2 – The second family said that they have a nuclear family mother father and a child, the mother was home maker as well as earned by sewing business from home.

Family 3 – The third family said that they have a joint family mother, father uncle, aunt, grandmother and a child, the mother was home maker as well as did a home business of food.

Family 4 – The first family said that they have a nuclear family mother father and a child, the mother was home maker.

Family 5 – The fifth family said that they have a nuclear family mother father and a child, the mother was home maker.

In this way several families answered to the questions which shows that the old days women’s usually used to be housewife but they have started to do some works for supporting the family financially. 

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